June 18, 2013

Imagining the Future of Object shows (till 2053)

I would like to go a little further into the future, because why not?

End June 2013:
BFDIA 5d comes out

August 2013:
BFDI(A) Trivia 50 is released

September 2013:
Object Universe Season 1 completed.

January 2014:
Object Universe Season 2 begins.

April 2014:
BOTO Season 1 completed
ObjectCon 2014 is held

August 2014:
BOTO Season 2 begins
BFDIA completed.

Late 2014:
Inanimate Insanity II completed
BFDI Season 3 begins
BFDI(A) Trivia celebrates 100 episodes.

BOTO and OU season 2 have completed.
BFDI(A) Trivia ends after nearly 200 episodes.
Inanimate Insanity Team eventually makes a full length movie.
The team also uploads 3 seasons of Inanimate Insanity on iTunes, being quite popular.

ObjectCon 2017 would be the first 'physical' con held in Sydney, Australia.
Inanimate Insanity Team forms a new company and sets up an IPO.
Adam Katz is the co-founder along with the rest of the team.
BFDI Team eventually joins the II Team and maybe others as well, working together.

The team went ahead to create its first TV series, inspired by the animations they made years ago.
The TV series became a hit amongst children, teens and even some adults.
The show became one of the top 10 most downloaded TV shows on iTunes.
ObjectCon became a more popular convention with thousands joining every year.

The company's stocks grows to the same level as Mattel is today.
The TV series have 3 amazing seasons.
The company expands its market towards toymaking and game development.

The company sold hit games and toys.
The show eventually won an Emmy Award.
Making a full-length movie to be shown in cinemas
Became a blockbuster, with box-office reaching $200 million.

The company buys many small companies.
The company's only greatest competitor is Hasbro.
Makes a sequel to its original movie.

The company is making revolutionary toys like a robot with personality to talk to people with autism, it went on to become a world-changing toy.
Co-founder Adam, retires.
Former COO Taylor is now named CEO.

The company eventually was bought/acquired by the biggest toy manufacturing company at the time.


  1. i had already old when i was 53.... then what about me?

  2. Where is OM? D:
    However i love this... i really want that this will happen :D

  3. What? No Object Mayhem? D:

    But this is interesting...

  4. i hope you put in my object show into this too. it is battle of rocks. it might start late 2014 and end middle 2015. season 2 will start late 2015 and end late 2016.

  5. OMG Inanimate Insanity + BFDI = Batlle For Inanimate Island
