March 27, 2012

How BFDI come about

In a comment by Jacknjellify in their video: "Battle for Dream Island - Storyboard 1: "Acquire the Submergence""

They stated before Battle For Dream Island were comics made by them.

It started with Firey, their main character to host in a comic they called "Total Firey Island" then "Total Firey Points" then "Total Firey Switch". (Why name it that way?)

So, some of the parts from those three comics came together in some way to make BFDI.


Firey > Total Firey Island > Total Firey Points > Total Firey Switch > Battle for Dream Island > BFDI 2?

Snapshots of: Battle for Dream Island - Storyboard 1: "Acquire the Submergence"

March 7, 2012

A third Huang?

From one of jacknjellify's old videos shows that there is a third Huang other than Micheal and Cary.
He or she is called: Yu Joe Huang

He was not shown or known in BFDI, don't ask me why!
Ask the Huangs!

How to make your own BFDI Title!

Battle for Dream Island title with backdrop shadow!

1. Download "Shag" Font: for free

2. Type in the Text: "Battle for", "Dream" and "Island" (separate text) in anyway drawing or graphics software

3. To make a short letter "L" in island:
a. Type an "i" instead of an "l"
b. White square (without lines) to cover the dot of the "i"
c. Send the texts: "Battle for" and "Dream" to the front, on top of the white invisible square and arrange.
d. Send the text: "Island" to the back with the dot of the "i" below the white square

4. Rearrange to match the title
